Close-up of Romain Guilloteau

Romain Guilloteau Senior Full Stack Engineer

I've spent more than a decade working at startups and small businesses.
From Social media to job hunting, from neobank to maritime logistics and from sole developer to lead engineer in a fast growing company. My experiences varied wildly and allowed me to discover every facet of the technical and human side of the trade.


BuyCo's logo


3 years
Lead Software Engineer - Backend Software Engineer

Originally brought in for my expertise on projects architecture, Ruby on Rails and to enforce good practices, I'm now the lead of a team dedicated to the public APIs and shipment tracking.
Swile's logo


3 years
Innovation Team Leader - Software Engineer

I worked on the food delivery platform when the company was named Lunchr. When it shifted to a neobank, I moved on the affiliates side and payment networks, of which I became a lead.
Codeur's logo


4 years
Lead Developer and Software Architect

I built (a designer job board) and (an invoicing tool) from the ground up and implemented some major features and rewrites for their other websites.
1Year1Book's logo


2 years
Lead Developer

I created from scratch the new version of their SaaS social network, as-well as the front facing website and internal tools used to boot and configure an instance and to monitor each of them.



  • Ruby

    Fell in love with it in my teenage years when I got sick of PHP, it's a daily ever since.

  • JavaScript & TypeScript

    Started in the jQuery / Mootools era and followed along the insane rise of this language.

  • Go

    A fairly recent discovery, an awesome language to build microservices.

Libraries & Frameworks

  • Ruby on Rails

    Obviously being a Ruby enthusiast. Every single of my job experience was dealing with a Rails monolith.

  • Hanami

    I love what they did in version 2, a perfect framework for building small Ruby services.

  • React

    In itself a brilliant library, the clutter of hype driven packages surrounding it is unbearable though.

  • Node.js & Express

    It used to be a daily, I've built complex services with this two.

  • tailwindcss

    All my personal projects includes it, I love tailwind to death.


  • VSCode

    I've tried some IDEs but never could get used to it.

  • Docker

    I do not miss the times where we had to install everything on our machine and juggle between multiple versions.

  • Redis

    Obviously I'm well versed in the classic like psql but I must make a special mention, always a joy to work with.

  • Firefox

    Everywhere forever.

Book shelves


Cover of the book "Shangri-La"


Mathieu Bablet
Cover of the book "Red Rising"

Red Rising

Pierce Brown


Cover of the book "Nellie Bly, dans l'antre de la folie"

Nellie Bly, dans l'antre de la folie

Virginie Ollagnier
Cover of the book "Civilized to Death"

Civilized to Death

Christopher Ryan
Cover of the book "We Are Legion (We Are Bob)"

We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

Dennis E. Taylor


Cover of the book "Code"


Charles Petzold
Cover of the book "Industrial-Strength Denial"

Industrial-Strength Denial

Barbara Freese
Cover of the book "La Flaque de Lapsane"

La Flaque de Lapsane

Eric Henninot
Cover of the book "Project Hail Mary"

Project Hail Mary

Andy Weir
Cover of the book "Le Problème à trois corps"

Le Problème à trois corps

Liu Cixin
Cover of the book "A voté"

A voté

Isaac Asimov
... and 91 more

Data retrieved using the Goodreads API, visit my profile to see more.